Welcome to 5280 Fitness Consulting, LLC! We are a community of moms, dads, daughters, sons, athletes and individuals just like you that want to workout and have fun doing it. Unlike the big box gyms, we don’t use machine weights, ellipticals, fancy gadgets or the latest and greatest version fo the shake weight. We offer functional fitness programs that will help develop your body and in a format that yields the fastest results possible (all with good nutrition of course)!
The 5280 story started back in 2008 when our leader, Russ Gallivan, was working out in a new box gym that opened in the area. Yes, it had all the equipment needed to get the job done but there was one main problem......it was uninspiring. Russ grew up in small town America where community is everything. A place where people can be themselves and rely on each other. He then set out to recreate this in the fitness industry and started training in a park with two people.
From those first two people in a park the 5280 Fitness started to build its reputation of community and kick ass workouts. It continued to grow over a 10 year time from to help thousands of individuals reach their goals. If you want proof jump on over to our Transformation page to see more. Anyway, the lives that were changed is simply amazing and the community that developed was greater than anyone ever imagined. That community has gone on to impact so many more lives than those who stepped forth into the gym.
This brings us to present day. Traditional culture would have told a business owner to expand, duplicate or franchise out. However, Russ has always done the opposite of what normal society would do. Instead he closed the doors on the facility, asked the members to go out into the community and spread the 5280 culture. He also created monthly charity workouts that are 100% free to give back to the community. This is his vision to build a stronger and more impactful community that gives back to the very community that opens it arms. At the very least, it will give people a chance to come back together once a month to "Sweat and Smile"
We want to say thank you for stopping by and reading our story. We hope we can get to meet you in the near future at our next charity workout.